Communications and Public Affairs (C&PA) has expanded its outreach and communication efforts with a new U of G media guide and media monitoring service.
The enhancements allow C&PA’s News Service office to provide media with an expanded a listing of faculty and staff experts, and better monitor when members of the U of G community “make headlines.”
The media guide, available online at, allows reporters and producers to search a database of more than 800 U of G faculty and staff by name, area of expertise, college or even a general topic. The reporters are then provided with contact information, research highlights and links to other websites.
The new media monitoring service provides daily media reports from newspapers, broadcast news outlets, magazines and other sources across Canada. Media pickup from this service is reflected in the daily media monitoring email sent from C&PA’s News Service to U of G administrators, communications officers and department and unit heads.
The expanded service also makes it possible to produce media monitoring reports by college, which will be done each semester.
People with questions about the media guide or media monitoring service should email news service director Lori Bona Hunt at