Prof. Al Sullivan says a dollar-a-day donation to the United Way will make you an Everyday Hero. Photo by Susan Bubak

Why is Prof. Al Sullivan parading around campus in a red spandex suit? Yes, he wore the superhero costume to a Halloween party benefiting the United Way (see the logo), and he’s campus co-chair of the annual fundraising campaign. But really, he’s showing a little muscle to try to convince all of us to become “Everyday Heroes” for the United Way.

Rest assured; you don’t need to wear spandex. Sullivan just wants you to donate a dollar a day to the University’s United Way campaign.

“Give one loonie every day and you’ll be a superhero in the eyes of 365 kids,” says the plant agriculture professor, “because your $365-gift will ensure those kids start their school day with a healthy breakfast.”

What else can a dollar a day do? The United Way of Guelph and Wellington says it can help six people with early-stage Alzheimer’s connect with a support group. A dollar a day will allow Big Brothers Big Sisters to match a child with an adult mentor. It will help Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis provide support for three women who have experienced physical or sexual abuse.

Sullivan and co-chair Genevieve Gundy say they’ve been amazed to learn how far a dollar goes when it’s invested in one of the 80 agencies and service programs that receive support from the United Way. Gundy, who is secretariat officer and information and privacy co-ordinator for the University, knows first-hand the value and importance of support provided by organizations like Hospice Wellington. Sullivan was impressed by the story of a high school dropout who’s now studying with Guelph’s Action Read Community Literacy Centre and hopes to complete her high school diploma.

“Your dollars support these programs right here in Guelph and Wellington,” says Gundy. “Or if you work at U of G but live in another county, you can direct your gift to your home community. The important thing is that we are helping our neighbours and ourselves. When the United Way spends a dollar, we all benefit.”

United Way of Guelph and Wellington hopes to raise $2.85 million this year and expects that almost 70 per cent of the total will be realized through workplace fundraising campaigns like U of G’s. “Hundreds of workplaces are involved, but our $525,000 campaign is the largest,” says Sullivan. “That makes our success critical to the overall community effort.

“With four weeks to go in our 2011 campaign, we’ve reached 71 per cent of our goal. There’s still time for all of us to become Everyday Heroes for the United Way.”

Sullivan donned the Everyday Hero suit for the Oct. 31 College Idol talent show and costume party, an annual fundraising event for the United Way. Click here to view videos of the performances and find out where to vote for your favourite U of G idol.

Click here to download a United Way pledge card.

Here for the University’s United Way website.

And here to view videos of Guelph and Wellington United Way agencies in action.







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