[Sound woman narrating script as camera zooms into the decorative archway of the main building of the Ontario Veterinary College with the words Ontario Veterinary College spelled out above.]

Narrator: Welcome to the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph.

[Camera zooms to the front of the OVC Companion Animal Hospital. Grass is in the foreground. A sign reading OVC Campaign Animal Hospital, James Archibald Building is on the left.]

Today we’ll explore the new advanced surgery and anesthesia facilities at the OVC Health Science Centre.

[A female student veterinarian practices anesthesia skills. She is wearing blue surgical scrubs and monitoring a patients vital signs in the foreground. A male student supervised by a veterinarian is providing medical care in the background. The camera angle changes and two male student veterinarians are learning surgery skills, one in the foreground, another in the background. A veterinarian supervises. A female student veterinarian is in the background monitors the patients vital signs.]

As a veterinary teaching hospital OVC provides educational opportunities for veterinarians in training and established professionals.

[Camera pans over a drawing of the floor plan of the OVC hospital facilities showing the renovated spaces. A blue rectangle in the centre is labelled ‘Surgery.’ A green square to the left of Surgery is labelled ‘Anesthesia.’ An aquamarine rectangle running across the top of the anesthesia and surgery areas represents a hallway through the hospital. Across the hall from Anesthesia is a yellow square is labelled Endoscopy.]

A critical improvement to our facilities is the creation of new advanced surgical suites and the addition of a dedicated space for minimally invasive procedures, the first of its kind in Canada.

[Camera moves over a black framed photo with a black and white image of black poodle named James Slaight.]

The new James Slaight Advanced Surgical Complex will be the heart of this new facility, named in loving memory of James the beloved pet poodle of Emmanuelle Gattuso and Alan Slaight.

[Camera moves to show inside a new surgical complex. Looking through and observation window into the first operation room a surgery is taking place. Overhead lights are turned on. The walls are white. The space is clean and bright. An operating table is in the centre. A table with sterile tools is in the foreground. Anesthesia equipment is in the background. A screen is mounted to the right wall. The camera pans to show the entry way to each of the eight surgical suites. A sink for surgeons to scrub in is on the left. Carts with supplies for upcoming surgeries are on the left.]

As you can see, the new surgical complex includes eight suites of operating rooms fully equipped to offer vast number of routine and advanced surgical procedures.

[A surgery is taking place in one of the surgery suites. A veterinarian and a Doctor of Veterinary Science student are conducting the surgery at the operating table in the centre of the room. A register veterinary technician is in the background monitoring the patients vital signs. The camera pans moves through the central space past moves past the room and the past doorways that go into the other surgical suites. A sink for scrubbing in is on the left, carts with supplies for upcoming surgeries are on the left.]

This new facility allows OVC to provide the highest standard of care to our patients and ensure biosecurity and infection control measures are in place.

[A sign is on screen with black lettering reads ‘Lindy Barrow Minimally Invasive Procedures Suite,” there are three small silhouettes West Highland Terriers on the bottom right and the words “OVC Pet Trust” on the bottom left. The camera moves to look through doorway in to the suite. There are surgical supplies on the right. A veterinary team of three is in the centre of a large room around the operating table getting organized for surgery. A staff member supervising this video shoot is on the left. The camera angle changes in the same room. The surgical team is now preparing a golden retriever for surgery. The dog is lying on its back on the operating table in the centre of the room, A large piece of equipment is on the right. The scene fades and now the surgery is underway. The surgeons are looking at the screens to guide the scopes for the laparoscopic procedure.]

The Lindy Barrow Minimally Invasive Procedure Suite is a specially designed space complete with computer control technology and equipment. This equipment helps specialists minimize the use of major abdominal or thoracic surgical approaches which means faster recovery time for our pets. This new suite allows OVC to offer innovative solutions to complex medical procedures.

[A sign is on screen with black lettering reads “Kim and Stu Lang Anesthesia and Pain Management Unit” on the bottom right there is a silhouette of a golden retriever and a cat, the words OVC Pet Trust are on the bottom left. The camera pans and moves from the hall into the unit. The room is large and white, with bright lights overhead. There are six bays for anesthesia prep ahead, an office door on the right. A registered veterinary technician wearing a mask hair net is washing her hands on the left. Another registered veterinary technician is preparing a patient for anesthesia on the right. At the end of the room there is a row of cages for patients and a black Labrador Retriever wearing a red coat is sitting on a mat in the far right corner waiting for treatment.]

The Kim and Stu Lang Anesthesia and Pain Management Unit provides an area for anesthetizing patients and administering pain medications in preparation for surgery, as well as, monitoring those at higher risk of developing complications.

[Two registered veterinary technicians are preparing small golden poodle for surgery. One stand with her back to the camera, the other is cradling the dog in her arms with her hand on its head. Camera angle changes to side view of the same staff. A veterinarian is in the background on the right.]

In veterinary medicine most diagnostic and therapeutic procedures require the pet to be sedated or anesthetized for their own safety, comfort and stress relief.

[The camera pains the room and moves through the centre of the room. There are four anesthesia bays on the left and two anesthesia bays on the right. Cages are at the end of the room for patients and a black Labrador Retriever wearing a red coat is sitting on a mat in the far-right corner waiting for treatment. Two registered veterinary technicians are taking gloves out of a box on a shelf on the left. The scene changes to one of the anesthesia bays where a small yellow dog is being anesthetized on a table, there is a registered veterinary technician preparing a needle in the foreground, a veterinarian in the centre comforting the patient and a student wearing a face shield on the left with a clip board observing the procedure. The angle changes and the veterinarian is on the right providing instruction to the student on the left.]

The new anesthesia prep room includes six bays for patient care upgraded equipment and ample space to spread out between workspaces to accommodate all members of the clinical team including students and trainees.

[Camera pans room to show an area with workstations on the left of the room and pans the anesthesia space. Fade to new scene and views of the anesthesia room in front and the recovery room to the right are clear through a glassed in office. Fade to new scene two veterinary technicians are wheeling a black dog patient out of the anesthesia unit on a table. A large video screen displaying colour coded patient schedule is on the right.]

There is a dedicated workspace for technicians and equipment storage space which is separate from the main clinical area. Anesthesia clinicians also have a dedicated office space with views into both the prep room and the recovery room. Digital whiteboards have been installed throughout the facilities to help monitor and track patient status in real-time.

[A register veterinary technician is on the right where dark blue scrubs, a face mask and eye shield. She is warming a dog patient with a blanket on a table as the patient wakes up after its procedure. The scene fades a sign in the hall reads “John and Jean Waller Anesthesia Recovery Room” there is a silhouette of a Newfoundland dog in the lower right corner and the words “OVC Pet Trust” on the bottom left corner. The camera moves to enter the unit. The room had equipment on the left and right and windows looking into the anesthesia unit. A registered veterinary technician stocks a station on the left. Straight ahead is an automatic door to the anesthesia unit.]

Recovery from anesthesia can be a disorienting experience for our patients. The creation of the John and Jean Waller Anesthesia Recovery Room provides a new dedicated space for recovery and ensures that our patients have a quiet controlled post-operative environment. This area is staffed with personnel who will ensure that our patients have a calm and smooth recovery. Glass windows throughout this space provide clear sightlines to the anesthesia prep room.

[A sign with black letter reads “Stone Endoscopy Unit Generously donated by Dr. Mona Campbell Mohill Farms to honour and recognize Dr. Elizabeth Arnold Stone, DVM, MS, MPP, DACVS (2005-2015). A silhouette of a dog jumping for a ball is on the lower right of the sign and “OVC Pet Trust” is on the lower left hand side. Camera pans to show room. Inside a veterinary team of three scope a black Labrador Retriever. In the foreground a registered veterinary technician monitors the patients vital signs.]

The Stone Endoscopy Unit was made possible through the estate of Mona Campbell and is named to honor and recognize Dr. Elizabeth Arnold Stone. Endoscopy is another type of minimally invasive procedure where a fiber optic endoscope is passed into the lungs, bladder, stomach or intestines to look for signs of disease, obtain tissue samples for diagnosis or provide treatment.

[The camera pans two endoscopy treatment rooms. Each has a table in the centre, a sink at one end. Scene fades and enter and equipment storage room which is accessible from both endoscopy rooms. There are glassed cabinets in front on the left and counter with cabinets on the back wall. Behind us is one endoscopy suite, ahead is the second with window looking into a courtyard.]

Previously OVC only had one endoscopy suite, with these improvements we now have two as well as a devoted area for equipment storage.

[Recap of scenes from the hospital tour. First a scene from inside the surgical area with doors leading to surgical suites. A registered veterinary technician prepares a cart with supplies for surgery on the left, another is walking with her back to the camera pushing a cart. Fade to image of an intern working at computer from the nurses station while observing surgery through the glass window across the corridor. Fade to registered veterinary technician warming patient after surgery in the recovery room. Fade to scene of 3 interns standing in the sterile hallway looking into surgery taking place in surgery suite. Fade to close up image of minimally invasive surgery, faculty member on left overseas graduate student trainee in centre. Another member of the veterinary team has their back to the camera. Fade to final image of anesthetize Golden Retriever with veterinary caregiver hand on its paw to provide comfort. ]

That concludes our tour today. Thank you to the more than one thousand people who came together and contributed 9 million dollars to make our new facilities possible. Because of the generosity of our donors and supporters the new facilities will help our people continue to push the boundaries of pet health and make medical advancements that improve the prevention diagnosis and treatment of diseases of pets.

[Video fades and U of G cornerstone appears with the words Improve Life and Learn more at www.pettrust.ca]

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