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Events for Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - Wednesday, January 8, 2025


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ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Do you love trees but can’t tell an ash from a walnut, a birch from a beech, or a spruce from a fir? Are you looking to connect more with the nature around you as we continue to stay close to home? Join Shelley Hunt, U of G course instructor and former arboretum director, for

ONLINE: Library Workshop – Data Skills: Data Analysis in R

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This workshop will teach you how to conduct basic inferential statistics that are commonly seen in the literature using R Studio. By attending, you can also expect to lean how to conduct the following statistical tests: an independent sample t-test, a paired sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA.

ONLINE – Library Workshop – Data Skills: Data Visualization in R

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn how to create visualizations like graphs and plots using the ggplot2 package by attending this workshop! This workshop will teach you how to create highly customized plots as the ggplot2 package uses "grammar graphics" to add layers of tailored components to your graphs.

ONLINE: Library Workshop – Recording Audio with Audacity

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Audacity is an open source audio recording and editing tool that you can use to record and edit a voiceover for a video or a podcast! This workshop will teach you what the requirements of a basic audio recording set up are, how to record a short audio track, and practice basic editing tasks.

ONLINE: Library Workshop – Open Scholarship Series: Academic Publishing for Authors

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Are you a researcher at U of G? Join us for Academic Publishing for Authors, one of the workshops featured in our Open Scholarship Series. This workshop is designed to help you navigate through the academic publishing process including author contracts, article processing charges (APCs), and predatory journals and conferences. It will also teach you

ONLINE: Library Workshop – Create Videos with WeVideo

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Interested in learning more about editing and creating videos online? Join us for Create Videos with WeVideo, an online workshop that will teach you how to use WeVideo and will give you hands-on practice creating videos. During this workshop, we'll discuss the process for creating a video and teach you essential video editing skills in

ONLINE: Ask the Arb

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Bring your garden, nature, and wildlife-related questions to our free one-hour live session on Zoom. These sessions are FREE!

ONLINE: Virtual Constellation “Walk”

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learning the night sky is like getting to know a new neighborhood. At first, it may seem big and confusing, but as you strike out and become more and more familiar with prominent landmarks, the day comes when you realize that the neighborhood is no longer new. It’s home. Join us for monthly sessions as

ONLINE: Food Day Canada

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

As Canada’s food university, the University of Guelph is shining a light on all the ways we are supporting and improving Canada’s food systems in celebration of Food Day Canada

ONLINE: COVID-19 Town Hall

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

As we approach the beginning of the new academic year, the University of Guelph continues to implement plans that will ensure a safe and enriching on-campus experience for students, staff

Guelph Trial Garden Open House

Guelph Turfgrass Institute 328 Victoria Rd. S., Guelph, ON, Canada

U of G is hosting in-person scheduled visits to its 2021 Trial Garden Open House at the new Guelph Turfgrass Institute. Learn more and register online.

ONLINE: Improvisation Festival – IF 2021

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

IF 2021 is a free, online, 24-hour improvisation festival celebrating all forms of artistic expression. This digital festival will take place between August 13 and 14, starting at 7 p.m.

ONLINE: Library Workshop – WeVideo in the Classroom

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

WeVideo is a web-based video editor. Use WeVideo in your class for individual or group video assignments. The McLaughlin Library workshop will introduce participants to using WeVideo effectively with a


ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Ontario has dozens of native shrub species, from dogwoods to viburnums, blackberries to spicebush, and everything in between. Where to start in learning to identify them? In this workshop, spread