- Events
- Intranet Events
ONLINE: COVID-19 Town Hall
ONLINE OntarioU of G resumes in-person learning on Jan. 31, and we are prepared to welcome you back safely to our campuses and facilities. Join the University's executive team and President Charlotte Yates to talk about what is next for U of G as we navigate COVID-19 together. We will be joined by Dr. Nicola Mercer,
ONLINE: One Health Seminar Series – One Health and Social Environments: Linking Non-health Data to Improve Health (and Why It Can be Difficult)
OntarioThe One Health Institute is hosting a seminar series throughout the winter semester. This is an opportunity to listen to and learn from different One Health professionals. The series is
ONLINE: Stories Spark Change – Roxane Gay in Conversation with Eternity Martis: A discussion of survivorship and healing from sexual violence
ONLINE OntarioStories Spark Change - Roxane Gay in Conversation with Eternity Martis: A discussion of survivorship and healing from sexual violence Join internationally renowned author Roxane Gay and best-selling author Eternity Martis for an in-depth conversation about how we can address how we police ourselves as survivors to reclaim our story and push back against shame
ONLINE: Coping with Increased Hours Online
ONLINE OntarioTech neck? Screen fatigue? If you are spending more time online, do you have a healthy relationship with your computer/devices? This FREE one-hour online workshop with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic will include strategies for decreasing Zoom fatigue (increasing energy and engagement), and protecting your eyes from strain. E-mail ksomers@uoguelph.ca
ONLINE: Arboretum Workshop – Virtual Constellation “Walk”
ONLINE OntarioInstructor: Trevor Chandler Learning the night sky is like getting to know a new neighborhood. At first, it may seem big and confusing, but as you strike out and become more and more familiar with prominent landmarks, the day comes when you realize that the neighborhood is no longer new. It’s home. Join us for