Spring has arrived at the U of G Arboretum! With the warmer weather, many beautiful trees and plants are blooming in the Arboretum. Stop by the next time you’re on campus to enjoy the beautiful flowers.
Of note are the Sakura trees that bloomed to display beautiful cherry blossoms this year. These trees were a gift of the Japanese government as a symbol of international peace and understanding.
In addition, there are many other native Ontario trees getting ready to bloom, including the beautiful and ephemeral Amelanchier (service berry) family. You may also spot wildflowers in the forested areas, such as trout lily, blood root, and the first of the trillium.
Want to learn more about spring blooms? Check out the Arboretum’s Wonderous Wildflowers: Spring Blooms Workshop on May 10.
Here’s a sneak peak of some of the flowers you might find: