Wellness@Work is excited to announce the Wellness@Work Grant Program for 2024-2025.

All staff and faculty (all campuses and research centres) are invited to help build a healthier workplace with an idea for a tailored program or approach that will help promote wellness.

Grant Opportunities

You are invited to collaborate with colleagues to test a new idea that supports a healthy workplace through a one-time seed grant. The number of grants available will depend on the number of applications received and the amount awarded for each successful grant.

Departments and groups are encouraged to collaborate with others to submit joint applications. During the application review process, groups whose applications have similar goals or ideas may be matched to collaborate on their workplace wellness idea.

New funding stream for Guelph-Humber initiatives

The University of Guelph-Humber has allocated funds for grant initiatives that are planned and implemented at Guelph-Humber’s campus in Toronto to support a healthy workplace. With this funding, Wellness@Work has added a specific stream to the grant program for those who work at Guelph-Humber.

Applicants use the same application and evaluation process as the rest of the grant program. When applicants complete their grant application and select “University of Guelph-Humber” as the location, they will automatically be put into the Guelph-Humber stream of funding.

Eligibility Criteria

Programming and ideas must reflect one or more of the following priorities:

  • physical well-being;
  • psychological well-being; and/or
  • social well-being

Apply now!

Interested in helping build a healthier workplace? Collaborate with your colleagues to apply for a grant by April 30, 2024.

Attend an information session:

  • April 15, 2024: for all U of G (proposed initiatives for Guelph Campus, Ridgetown, and Research Station).
  • April 10, 2024: for U of GH employees.

Need inspiration?

Wellness@Work has distributed 160 grants since the program began in 2018.

Example success stories from last year include:

  • Wellness retreat: The IndigenERA Lab (a new research group in the department of Geography, Environment, and Geomatics) hosted an Indigenous cultural wellness day to support the development of their code of relational ethics, which represents the lab’s shared values, centered on how to create and maintain positive relationships with one another and Indigenous community partners.
  • Learn to play pickelball: A cross-campus collaboration between colleagues in Student Housing Services and Human Resources coordinated a learn to play pickleball program in a safe and inclusive space for engaging in physical activity. After two cohorts that ran weekly in F23 and W24, the successful program was taken on by Athletics & Recreation as a Pickleball Recess League for faculty and staff.
  • Health workshop: The Black Faculty and Staff Network held a workshop to discuss the unique health needs of their members. The workshop featured a hands-on tea blending session, led by an Afro-Caribbean registered herbalist, to deepen participants’ knowledge about plants and the health benefits of natural remedies to meet their needs.

Learn More

Visit the Wellness@Work Grant Program website for further details, including the grant application and FAQ document.

Any questions can be emailed to Isidora Nežić at nezici@uoguelph.ca.

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