The University of Guelph and CUPE 3913 – the union representing teaching assistants, graduate service assistants and sessional lecturers – continue to work toward reaching a new collective agreement.

The parties have met 22 times and most recently met with the assistance of a conciliation officer from the Ministry of Labour. Additional meetings are scheduled for Thursday and Friday this week.

CUPE 3913 has requested a “No Board Report” of the Ministry of Labour which is a required step for CUPE to legally go on strike. Once the report is issued, there is a waiting period of 17 working days before a strike could begin. CUPE 3913 has also scheduled a strike vote for next week, but this does not mean that bargaining will cease or that a strike will definitely take place. The parties have agreed to continue negotiations and the University remains confident that an agreement can be reached.

The parties have made progress in many areas within each collective agreement, representing resolution on approximately 40 issues. This includes areas such as job security and measures in support of mental health.

The University is committed to continuing negotiations and reaching an agreement that is fair and responsible. Teaching assistants, graduate service assistants and sessional lecturers provide great value to the University and students. We look forward to continued discussions.

See our previous updates here:

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