Dr. Mike von Massow

Food economist Dr. Mike von Massow spoke to several media outlets this week on how the crisis in Ukraine might affect global wheat prices, as well as the growing interest in cellular agriculture.

Speaking to CHQR Radio in Calgary, von Massow said in the short-term, the war in Ukraine is unlikely to affect grain or bread prices in Canada, but if the crisis drags on and if fertilizer prices remain high, eventually the global supply will drop, putting pressure on grain prices .

The use of cellular agriculture, which are food ingredients produced in labs, has expanded to the dairy industry. While the technology may cause disruption in the food industry, it won’t be an “apocalypse cow,” von Massow told TVO

Von Massow said when it comes to dairy, it remains to be seen if cellular agriculture producers will choose to call their products “milk,” the dairy industry’s rules around supply management and Canada’s small market will likely be the causes behind the disruption.

Von Massow said the dairy industry’s rules around supply management, and the lnegthy federal regulatory approval process amid Canada’s relatively small market may slow the spread of cellular agriculture products in Canada. 

A professor in the Department of Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics within the Ontario Agricultural College, von Massow researches retail and restaurant food demand, supply chain management, and value chain structure and performance. 

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