COVID-19 Update: March 16, 2022

Masking requirements and vaccine policy remain in place

The Government of Ontario recently announced changes to masking and proof of vaccination requirements. At U of G, our masking and COVID-19 vaccination requirements remain in place until at least the end of the winter semester. The Council of Ontario Universities has announced that all Ontario universities will maintain their masking requirements and vaccination policies until at least the end of the winter semester. This decision aligns with U of G’s COVID-19 safety plans. An update on mask and vaccination requirements at U of G beyond April 30 will be available soon.

All students are eligible to register for all summer 2022 courses, regardless of vaccination status.

Occupancy limits and physical distancing requirements are lifted in all U of G spaces, except as noted in the last bullet below. Units are no longer required to cohort employees.

Until at least the end of the winter semester, masks will continue to be required in:

  • Classrooms, learning spaces and research and teaching labs
  • Residence common areas
  • Designated workspaces (e.g., cubicles, offices, etc.)
    • Masks may be removed in single-occupancy offices when only one person is in the space.
  • Meeting rooms and shared spaces (e.g., lounges, study spaces, hallways, staircases, etc.)
  • Athletics facilities (except while exercising in designated areas), the University Centre and the McLaughlin Library
  • Employee lunch/break rooms, kitchenettes
    • In these spaces, 2 metres of physical distance must be maintained if employees are removing their mask to eat or drink.

Event planning

Planning an in-person or hybrid event? U of G’s Events Framework has been updated and should be reviewed whenever you’re planning an event. Capacity limits for indoor events will be removed as of March 18, and COVID-19 waivers are no longer required. Key principles and other public health measures contained in the framework continue to apply. Event planning supports are listed in the document.

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those coming to campus. If you need to be on campus, make sure you complete the U of G COVID-19 Screening Form every day before you arrive.

More U of G News:

  1. U of G Ranked Among Top 150 Universities for Life Sciences 
  2. COMMENTARY: Global Food Production Has Led to Major Biodiversity Loss
  3. Mental Health Talks Essential During Winter Blues, Says U of G Psychologist 
  4. Burst Pipe at OVC’s Health Sciences Centre: Temporary Closures