The University of Guelph has worked with the Ontario government to secure initial shipments of COVID-19 rapid testing kits to be dispersed in two phases.

Phase 1 focussed on providing tests to U of G employees who will be physically working on campus during the holiday closure Dec. 24 to Jan. 4; specifically, those whose jobs require them to be in proximity with others and physical distancing cannot be maintained. 

We have distributed all the testing kits available for Phase 1.

In Phase 2 (beginning in January 2022), further rapid testing measures are being explored for the broader U of G community to support our safe return. We hope to distribute more testing kits subject to availability, recognizing that there is a limited supply that is being managed as per government priorities. We appreciate your patience as we work through this process.

In the interim, people are encouraged to try and access personal COVID-19 rapid tests in their respective communities through the Government of Ontario.

Why rapid test?

Participation in rapid testing is voluntary but strongly encouraged. Rapid testing is yet another measure we can take to help avoid the most serious effects of COVID-19. By completing a rapid test before you come to work, you can feel more confident that you are protecting those around you and helping create a safer learning and working environment for everyone. This is a responsibility we all share together.

Rapid testing does not replace daily screening – you must continue to complete the COVID-19 Daily Screening tool before coming to U of G facilities. All U of G COVID-19 safety measures remain in effect. Stay home if you feel sick, even if you get a negative rapid test result.

When should I do a rapid test?

If you have access to COVID-19 rapid testing kits, please complete your first rapid test no more than 24 hours before accessing a U of G facility. If you are working on site regularly, continue with testing every 72 hours (usually twice per week).

What if I test positive?

If your rapid test returns a positive result, isolate immediately and arrange for a PCR confirmation test at your local COVID-19 community testing centre.

You are not required to provide proof of a negative test before you come on site.

Testing students in residence

The University has also provided residence students with rapid testing kits that they can use to test for COVID-19 before returning to residence in January.


If you have further questions, please call the COVID-19 call centre at 519-824-4120, Ext. 53906, or email

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