University of Guelph entrance wallMany academics across Canada have committed to participating in a Scholar Strike for Black Lives in Canada on September 9 and 10. The University of Guelph is strongly committed to bringing about positive change on our campus, in the post-secondary sector and in our communities.

We are developing a plan to address anti-Black racism and discrimination at the U of G and to build a culture of respect and inclusion, now and in the future. This is an important issue for our University. We are committed to taking action and implementing change during the coming months, in collaboration with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) members of our campus communities to build a strong sense of belonging for everyone.

The University supports the participation of members of our community in events associated with the Scholar Strike, while working within the University’s academic requirements and operational needs.

Sept. 10 is the first day of fall classes at U of G. Many students will be experiencing their first in-person or virtual classes of the new academic year and we emphasize the importance of making students feel welcome on the first days and classes of the semester.

We anticipate that instructors will schedule their participation in Scholar Strike activities around their teaching responsibilities and that those who wish to participate can find an opportunity to take part in the range of events outside of scheduled classes.

Many of you may choose to reflect on the activity in other ways, including in meetings or in classes. U of G’s Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) provides anti-racism and anti-oppression resources that may be helpful. This includes a new online module, Principles of Belonging: Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism that is now available on Courselink for all students, staff and faculty.

DHR is always available to support anyone on campus who experiences hatred or requires information on anti-racism training or education available. The University also provides counselling services and employee and family assistance programs to all campus community members.

Working together, we will build a campus community that values all members and enables them to learn, live and work in an environment free of racism and discrimination.


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