
The tallies are in and our campaign co-chairs are excited to announce that U of G raised more than $631,000 to support our local United Way!

President Franco Vaccarino revealed the total today to an expectant crowd of campaign volunteers during a wrap-up event on campus.

“Through our commitment to the United Way, we work together to improve the lives of people in our community,” said Vaccarino. “It’s been an incredible journey. We’re making a difference in so many ways.”

Campaign co-chairs Peter Routledge and Carolyn Kerr say they are grateful to the many donors and volunteers who made the campaign a success.

2018 United Way campaign co-chairs Emma Pybus, Peter Routledge, Carolyn Kerr and Farial Hashimi
2018 United Way campaign co-chairs (L to R) Emma Pybus, Peter Routledge, Carolyn Kerr and Farial Hashimi

“I am truly honoured to be part of this University and to have the pleasure of working with people who are constantly striving to improve the lives of so many in Guelph and the surrounding area,” said Kerr.

Students made an important contribution to this year’s total, raising $2,300. Student campaign co-chairs Farial Hashimi and Emma Pybus reached out to clubs and supported student-run activities across campus that raised awareness and funds.

Dozens of faculty and staff-run events held across the University over the fall semester also contributed to the campaign. With some fundraising activities continuing throughout December, the overall total is expected to grow even further.

Routledge said, “Volunteers are the engine that run our campaign.”

This is the seventh year in a row that the University has surpassed its fundraising goal and the tenth time that U of G has raised more than $500,000 in a campaign.

Grand Prize Winners

All those who submitted a pledge card for the 2018 United Way campaign were entered in a grand prize draw. Congratulations to our winners!

  • Susan McCormick – $500 RRSP, donated by TD Canada Trust
  • Jane Alexander – tuition fee for one continuing education course, donated by Open Learning and Educational Support
  • Shannon Eagle – one-year Gryphon NRG Membership, donated by the Department of Athletics
  • Alexa Hinsperger – one-year parking pass, donated by Sustainable Transportation and Parking Services

Recognizing Our Outstanding Volunteers
U of G’s United Way campaign is one of the most successful post-secondary campaigns in the country, thanks to the efforts of a huge number of volunteer coordinators, canvassers and event leaders.

At the campaign closing event on Dec. 3, volunteers who made outstanding contributions received special awards, as follows:

  • Garrett May, Computing and Communications Services: Gabrielle Hubert Award for outstanding contributions by an individual volunteer
  • Alumni Affairs and Development: Spirit Award for the department representing the ultimate in United Way support and spirit
  • Campus Community Police: President’s Award for the campus unit with the highest increase in both participation and dollars raised
  • Brenda Reynolds: Campaign Co-Chairs Award for exceptional leadership and commitment to the University’s campaign over several years
  • Mixed Methods is our 2018 College Idol.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who supported this year’s campaign through pledges, donations and campus events.

Brenda Reynolds
Brenda Reynolds – Recipient of the Campaign Co-Chairs Award
Members of the Alumni Affairs and Development team
Members of Alumni Affairs and Development – Recipients of the Spirit Award
Garrett May
Garrett May – Recipient of the Gabrielle Hubert Award
Campus Community Police at United Way lunch
Members from Campus Community Police – Recipients of the President’s Award

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