If you want to park on campus in the morning, the snowplows need to do their work at night.

As of Dec. 1, overnight parking is allowed only in the following residence lots:

  • P13
  • P17
  • P18
  • P19 (with the exception of the signed area in the southwest corner)

In all other lots, vehicles must be moved by 1 a.m. or 3 a.m. More details are available on the Parking Services website.

These winter parking restrictions will be in place until April 1, 2019.

If you regularly work on campus during these restricted hours, you may be able to obtain a special permit from the Office of Sustainable Transportation and Parking Services if your request is endorsed by the chair or head of your department.

For assistance, please contact Parking Services at Ext. 52118 or email questions@parking.uoguelph.ca.

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