A new partnership between U of G and Guelph-based Women in Crisis (WIC) means survivors of sexual violence can now receive specific counselling right on campus, rather than visit WIC’s downtown office.

Hannah Graves, a sexual assault counsellor from Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis, will provide trauma counselling twice weekly at U of G’s Couple and Family Therapy Centre. Her work focuses on coping with the impacts of sexual violence, safety and stabilization, and psycho-education on the impacts of trauma.

“We’re pleased with this partnership because it’s giving students more and easier ways to get the support they need,” said Brenda Whiteside, associate vice-president (student affairs). “This initiative helps supplement the resources and services available to students through the University’s Student Counselling Services.”

This service is available to people of all genders, backgrounds and sexual orientations.

How to access this service

Users may call WIC’s main reception at 519-836-1110. Callers can choose to identify themselves as U of G students for the option of an on-campus or off-campus appointment.

Learn more about the University’s range of supports for survivors of sexual violence.

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