As part of the presidential review process, the Presidential Review Committee invites community members to comment on president Franco Vaccarino’s reappointment for a second term.

Faculty, staff and students may submit written comments to the committee by emailing Or send hard copy submissions to:

Kevin Golding, Chair of the Board of Governors
c/o the University Secretariat, 4th Floor, University Centre

Submissions will be retained in strict confidence for the use of the review committee and must be received by Nov. 17.

The committee is chaired by Board of Governors chair Kevin Golding and consists of the following members:

  • Nancy Brown Andison, Board of Governors
  • Paul Gibson, Board of Governors
  • Andrew Bailey, Philosophy
  • Tami Martino, Population Medicine
  • Davar Rezania, Management
  • Liz Snyder, staff member, Office of Research
  • Danyelle Liddle, graduate student, College of Biological Science
  • Lindsey Fletcher, undergraduate student, BA and B.Sc.
  • Brandon Gorman, University of Guelph Alumni Association

In September, president Vaccarino indicated his willingness to stand for a second full term. His first term ends June 30, 2019.

If you have questions about the presidential review process, please contact Genevieve Gauthier-Chalifour, University Secretary, at or Ext. 53438.

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