Food science professor Keith Warriner appeared on the popular CBC morning radio program The Current Feb. 9 and on Global News Feb. 10. On the Current, he took part in a discussion on food-borne illness involving vegetables. The Current is CBC’s most listened-to radio program. On Global News, Warriner discussed how moisture affects rotting of food. A food safety researcher and sought-after media expert, Warriner studies decontamination technologies and the interaction of human pathogens with plants.

Ingrid Berkeley-Brown, a master’s of leadership graduate, was profiled in Share on Feb. 10. Berkeley-Brown was recently named a superintendent for Peel Regional Police, making her the highest-ranking black female police officer in Canada.

The University’s MFA in creative writing was highlighted in a Feb. 9 story in University Affairs. The article discussed how Canada’s creative writing programs are nurturing the next generation of writers. U of G’s program, created in 2006, is offered at the Guelph-Humber campus. It’s known as one of the top MFA creative writing programs in the country, particularly for its high rate of publication success among graduates.

Prof. Robin Milhausen, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, is quoted in a Feb. 9 Globe and Mail story. The article discusses how sex shops are starting to promote health and education. Milhausen studies gender and sexuality, sexual problems, and sexual and relationship satisfaction in couples. Before joining U of G, she co-hosted the TV show Sex, Toys and Chocolate and completed a PhD at the world-renowned Kinsey Institute in Indiana.

National and international media continue to turn to U of G researchers for expertise and insight on food prices. Prof. Michael von Massow, Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management, was interviewed by the National Post Feb. 9 on rising food prices and ways to reduce food waste, and by the Canadian Press Feb. 3 about combating high food prices. The article was picked up by several national news outlets, including CTV, Global News and Canadian Grocer. Prof. Sylvain Charlebois, Marketing and Consumer Studies, was featured on BNN Feb. 4, talking about the need for a national food strategy. Charlebois and von Massow are co-authors of the annual Food Price Report , produced by U of G’s Food Institute.

Prof. Jamie Gruman, Department of Management, was quoted in an MSN news story Feb. 7 on the importance of co-workers in the workplace. He discussed how work friendships increase employee satisfaction and related benefits. Gruman studies organizational behaviour and chairs the Canadian Positive Psychology Association.

Prof. Tim Dewhirst, Marketing and Consumer Studies, published an op-ed in the Globe and Mail Feb. 6. He discussed the branding of the Denver Broncos and North Carolina Panthers, this year’s Super Bowl contestants. Dewhirst studies branding, brand management, and sports and entertainment marketing.

Prof. Tina Widowski, Animal Biosciences, was quoted in a Feb. 5 Toronto Star story about recent decisions by two major restaurant chains to use eggs only from cage-free hens. Widowski discussed how eggs are sourced in Canada and associated animal welfare issues. She is director of U of G’s Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare.

Andrea Buchholz, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, was featured in Maclean’s magazine Feb. 4 and on MSN Feb. 5. She was part of a special feature on the winners of the 2016 3M National Teaching Fellowship, considered Canada’s top teaching honour. Buchholz was honoured for her groundbreaking nutrition courses and creative teaching approach. She is U of G’s 15th 3M Fellow.

John Irwin, an instructor at the University of Guelph-Humber, was featured on CBC North radio Feb. 4. He discussed language barriers and other issues involving emergency callers and police dispatchers. Irwin belonged to the Toronto Police Service for more than 30 years and teaches justice studies at Guelph-Humber.

An opinion column written by Prof. Candace Johnson, Political Science, was published in the Winnipeg Free Press Feb. 3. She discussed the need for a global maternal health policy in the context of the current Zika virus health crisis. Johnson studies health care and social policy, Latin American politics and society, and women and politics.

Emeritus professor Peter Kevan and retired professor John Sutton, Environmental Sciences, are featured in Forbes magazine’s online edition Feb. 1. The story looks at their work with Canadian and international researchers on bee biovectors. This research involves using bees to carry biological control agents to protect crop plants, an intended green alternative to pesticides and fungicides.

Prof. Emma Allen-Vercoe, Molecular and Cellular Biology, was featured in a special section on germs in the Globe and Mail Feb. 1. She discussed how microbes are collected, cultured and used to make probiotics. Allen-Vercoe researches human gut microbiota using a “robo-gut,” a scientific laboratory she created at U of G to mimic the environment of the large intestine. She has developed synthetic “poop” to replace fecal matter used in human stool transplants. Her research has led to the development of a treatment, now being commercialized, for the diarrhea-causing infection C. difficile.

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