Technology created by U of G professors Amar Mohanty and Manjusri Misra is featured in an online publication produced by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).
The story appears in CFI’s online newsletter Research Action. It looks at how the company Competitive Green Technologies (CGTech) is working with farmers to produce a grass that can be used to make biomaterial for manufacturing green consumer goods such as flowerpots and storage bins.
The novel idea to combine this grass with recycled plastic was developed by Mohanty, director of the Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre and holder of the Premier’s Research Chair in Biomaterials and Transportation, and Misra, who has a cross-appointment in plant agriculture and engineering.
CGTech has an exclusive licensing agreement with the University of Guelph and the centre to commercialize the biocomposite for environmentally friendly, competitively priced consumer goods.