The Office of Research has released a draft of its new strategic research plan (SRP) for review and comment by the University community.

As the research component of the University’s Integrated Plan, the SRP addresses broad themes and areas of emphasis. It helps to influence research funding allocations by federal and provincial granting agencies and to frame submissions of major institutional infrastructure requests.

The SRP was last revised in 2008. An advisory committee consisting of faculty from each college, the vice-president (research) and the associate vice-president (research) has developed the new document over several months.

The new SRP was reviewed by the Senate research board and presented to Senate Monday night. Copies have been sent to deans and associate deans of research for comment.

The U of G community may review the report online, and email comments and suggestions to

Comments must be received by Jan. 6. A revised plan will be presented to the University Senate for approval Feb. 13, 2012.