I Am a Gryphon
Caring. Determined. Engaged. Respectful. Authentic.
#CaringInCovid #GryphonCare
I am caring. In my daily interactions I am kind, compassionate, supportive and honest. I want others to feel welcome here and will do my part to convey a caring sense of community.
I am determined. I want to achieve the highest goals I can envision, and I will do so with integrity, perseverance and courage. I will welcome a helping hand when I need it and extend mine to others along the way.
I am engaged. Contributing to the life of my campus and community is important to me. I will strive to meet my commitments and offer my best effort. I will be held accountable for my actions because I understand that they reflect on all of us.
I am respectful. I am respectful of others and the physical environment we share. I have self-respect and I create space for diverse voices to be heard.
I am authentic. Being true to who I am, my values and beliefs are important to me. I recognize that every person is on a journey of self-discovery and don’t make assumptions about them or their motivations.
Be an ally
Allyship is an ongoing and lifelong process of building relationships with others.
An ally:
- Listens to others lived experience.
- Evaluates their own biases and perceptions.
- Recognizes that the challenges some may be facing during this time might be different than your own.
- “Calls in” others who spread harmful words, actions, or behaviours.
Calling in is:
- Done privately and after the fact, rather than publicly, in the moment.
- Invites conversation about why the behaviour was hurtful and provides someone the opportunity to reframe what was said in a more appropriate way.
- Leads to long-term shifts in perspectives and behaviours.
- Avoids a public condemnation that could be counterproductive.
Fostering a culture of inclusion
Be inclusive:
- Broaden your perspectives to understand the unique needs of our diverse community.
- Include a diverse set of voices at the decision-making table.
- While making difficult decisions, apply an equity lens.
- We’re all working and learning under challenging circumstances: be kind.
- Practice patience and respect during communication.
Be there for your Gryphon Family.
We are all in this together.
Sign the pledge at iamagryphon.ca
#CaringInCovid #GryphonCare