Blog posts by U of G food scientist Don Mercer have been picked up and are being featured on the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) website. Readers will find information on food contamination, the relationship between medicine and food, and best-before date labelling on food packages.

“Dr. Mercer’s articles are witty and engaging,” says SCC communications advisor David Folkerson. “We’re thrilled that he is helping SCC to engage Canadians on these important food safety issues.”

Mercer’s posts were originally created as part of an international food safety initiative by the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) based in Oakville, Ont. The goal was to help Canadian consumers make informed choices at their local grocery store.

Mercer’s articles are part of SCC’s new community focus on educating the Canadian public and encouraging public input into the development of new standards. Visit SCC Connect at Read Mercer’s first article at

Prof. Don Mercer
Prof. Don Mercer

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