How to Use This Guide

The University of Guelph Style Guide is a reference tool for all University communicators, provided by Communications and Marketing. It is intended to help you communicate across campus and with external audiences, serving as a resource for usage questions from inclusivity to punctuation.

To provide a consistent, professional appearance to University publications and communications, the University of Guelph uses Canadian Press style, except in the circumstances outlined in this document. The majority of the rules in this document can also be found in the Canadian Press Stylebook and its companion publication, the Canadian Press Caps and Spelling guide, both of which are available for purchase online.


A Note About Spelling

For correct spellings of words not covered in this guide, refer to the Canadian Press Caps and Spelling guide.

If you can’t find the word in any of these publications, refer to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary (free online), which uses Canadian rather than American spelling.

This document will be revised to reflect changes in language and in general or campus usage. For questions/comments, contact: