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Sunday, October 3, 2021

In response to programming moving online due to COVID-19, materials from this two-day workshop on grammar are available ANYTIME as self-directed slides and worksheets, through self-registration in CourseLink’s Writing Tune-up: Grammar.

This two-day Writing Tune-up: Grammar series provides grammar instruction for all levels of writers. It is open to graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars, faculty and staff at the University of Guelph, as well as Guelph community members. The workshop materials are useful for participants wanting to improve their own writing skills as well as to provide more effective feedback on students’ writing as TAs or faculty. Although you can work through the materials for either day, it is recommended that you start with Day 1 materials.


Correcting Grammar Errors
Avoid some of the common pitfalls of grammar. The session includes discussion and examples of these guidelines:

  • Make subjects and verbs agree
  • Don’t use myself as a replacement for I and me
  • Use who and whom correctly
  • Make comparisons clear

Avoiding Errors of Misuse
Learn some of the common errors of misuse of words and expressions. The session includes discussion and examples of these guidelines:

  • Use apostrophes for possessive nouns
  • Don’t use it’s for possessives

Going Beyond Basic Grammar
Learn about some of the writing errors that affect clarity, meaning and tone. Session includes discussion and examples of these guidelines:

  • Maintain parallelism
  • Use active instead of passive voice
  • Punctuate that and which clauses correctly
  • Recognize when to use the three types of hyphens and dashes

No registration here is necessary. You will self-register on CourseLink.

Questions? Email


Sunday, October 3, 2021
Event Category:


Ontario Canada

Additional Info

Event is open to
U of G students, U of G faculty and staff