The multi-faith resource team posing for a team photo outside.
Multi-Faith Resource Team, 2024

This year marks four decades of fostering a welcoming space for spiritual exploration, interfaith dialogue, and personal growth at the University of Guelph. Since the first expression of multi-faith collaboration in 1985, these resources and programs have become an integral part of campus life, supporting students from diverse religious, spiritual, and worldview backgrounds and traditions.

Over the years, multi-faith work on campus has evolved to reflect the ever-changing needs of the university community. From the formation of the Interfaith Dialogue Group in 1985, the group formally became known as the Multi-Faith Resource Team (MFRT) in 1994 followed by the creation of the Multi-Faith Programs Unit within Student Experience in 2018. The team’s work continues to expand and serve students as one of the oldest university multi-faith programs in Canada. 

A Place of Belonging

Article from 1986, describing the first multi-faith collaboration efforts at U of G.
Article from 1986, describing the first multi-faith collaboration efforts at U of G (source: The Atrium)

For many students, Multi-Faith at U of G is more than just a physical space in Raithby House – it’s a safe space for self-discovery and community building. The Centre offers opportunities for students to connect with religious and spiritual leaders, participate in prayer and meditation sessions, and celebrate their traditions in a supportive and respectful environment. In a world filled with division, it’s a space where students from all walks of life can feel seen, heard, and valued.

The Multi-Faith Resource Team (MFRT), comprising 11 members from various religious, spiritual and worldview traditions, plays a pivotal role in fostering understanding and connection. The diverse team affirms the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity. Students are welcome to meet with a member of the team even if they don’t identify with a particular faith tradition.

The University also provides multi-faith and quiet spaces across campus, ensuring students have accessible environments for prayer, meditation, and reflection. These spaces can be found in Raithby House, the McLaughlin Library, the University Centre, the Animal Science and Nutrition building, the Summerlee Science Complex, and a new space scheduled to open later in 2025 in the Ontario Veterinary College. 

Students are also encouraged to discover places of community and belonging with their peers through any of the 16 religious, spiritual, and worldview student groups, offering students opportunities to integrate their values and deepen their spiritual practices within campus life.

Building Bridges Across Difference

Sonya Wu-Winter poses for a headshot, smiling at the camera.
Sonya Wu-Winter, coordinator, Multi-Faith Programs

This year, Multi-Faith Programs launched the “Bridging the Gap Program,” an opportunity for students to learn and practice skills for bridgebuilding across differences. Bridgebuilding skills help us learn to listen well and deeply to one another and to share our own stories about what matters most to us and why.  Programs like this emphasize what we have in common while respecting and celebrating our differences. 

“I find myself humbled by the challenges and possibilities for building true multi-faith understanding and community on campus,” said Sonya Wu-Winter, coordinator, Multi-Faith Programs. “There are many big questions of our time that don’t have easy answers, such as what does it mean to see another and be deeply seen? I am moved and encouraged when I see our students respond to these questions and difficult situations with openness, self-reflection, generosity of spirit, warmth and curiosity.”

Join the Celebration

February 3 to 7 is Multi-Faith Week on campus, offering a chance to celebrate our diversity and connect with others that share a commitment to faith and spirituality. 

This year’s theme, “Celebrating 40 Years of Multi-Faith Collaboration at U of G,” celebrates the past and looks forward to the future of these programs at U of G. 

Multi-Faith Week Events

  • Fundraising Drive for “The Bench”
    Our diverse religious, spiritual and worldview communities on campus are joining together to raise funds for The Bench.  The Bench is a grassroots initiative in downtown Guelph relying solely on volunteers and community donations to distribute food, hygiene items, clothing and more to unhoused and low-income community members.   

    • Monday, Feb. 3 to Friday, Feb. 7, 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., UC Courtyard

  • Multi-Faith Dinner 
    Celebrate faith and spirituality at U of G with a Multi-Faith Dinner! All are welcome!  Come join us for an evening of delicious free food, great conversation, fun games, and fabulous prizes.  The dinner will accommodate halal, kosher, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free needs.  RSVP-ing on GryphLife guarantees your spot and helps us plan well.  If you forget to RSVP, come anyway!

    • Thursday, Feb. 6, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., Science Complex Wassamowin

  • Daily Instagram Trivia

    • Follow @UofGStudentExperience on Instagram to participate in daily trivia for the chance to win prizes! 

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