February is Black History Month and a time to acknowledge and honour our past, celebrate Black excellence in the present and work to bring about positive change for the future. It’s also an important time for reflection and action as we are reminded of the profound impact Black Canadians have had and continue to have in shaping Canada’s social, political and cultural landscape.

This year, the Government of Canada’s Black History Month theme is “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations.” It’s about honouring the history and contributions of the Black community and all of us working together to build strong, successful and inclusive communities for our future.

As we celebrate Black History Month, take some time to acknowledge the barriers that our friends and neighbours in the Black community continue to face in Canada and at U of G. We must recognize that while we are committed to an equitable, respectful and inclusive University, there is still more work to do. Creating a place where everyone belongs is important work and foundational for a successful, teaching, learning and living environment.

I invite you to participate in the many Black History Month events on campus and also engage in your own anti-racist education journey. The Office of Diversity and Human Rights has developed several online trainings including Principles of Belonging: Anti-Oppression & Anti-RacismPrinciples of Equitable Recruitment: Unconscious Bias in the Hiring Process and Building Community: Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to help you on that path. In addition, we are holding weekly workshop sessions on Wednesdays, focused on anti-oppression, equity, diversity and inclusion open to all U of G community members.

We are also proud to be supporting many Black History Month events on campus through our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Enhancement Fund and hope you will join us in participating in the incredible initiatives happening over the next few weeks.

Because it takes each and every one of us to build a university community where everyone belongs.

Happy Black History Month U of G!

Indira Naidoo-Harris
Associate Vice-President, Diversity and Human Rights

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