Hello U of G Colleagues!

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is here to provide support and guidance to the University community on matters related to environmental and occupational health and safety as well as environmental protection.

Technical expertise and supports offered by EHS include:

  • Biosafety
  • Laboratory Safety
  • Radiation Safety
  • Agricultural & Veterinary Safety
  • Facility Safety
  • Occupational Hygiene
  • Incident Reporting
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Training in various Health & Safety topics

Quick links for health and safety info

Consider bookmarking these links for quick access to health and safety supports.

EHS Health & Safety Training for Workers/Supervisors

All employees must receive safety orientation prior to the commencement of work.

EHS provides generic safety orientation, including the mandatory Health and Safety Awareness training that is required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) for Supervisors and Workers; as well as generic refresher training on a variety of topics.

To review EHS course offerings and to register, please visit EHS Training Schedule & Course Registration.

Supervisor and Worker Health & Safety Responsibilities

Supervisors and workers are an important part of the Internal Responsibility System and the employer-worker partnership in maintaining a safe workplace. They both have an essential role in maintaining health and safety in the workplace and specifically for supervisors the work areas under their supervision.

For further guidance and information, please refer to the following webpages:

Got Hazardous Waste?

If you’re on the Guelph campus and need to dispose of chemical hazardous waste, we’ve got you covered! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Tag It: Attach a yellow hazardous waste tag to your waste.
  2. Request Pickup: Complete the online waste disposal request form.
  3. Store Safely: Stored your waste safely until pickup.

Our hazardous waste contractors will collect your waste on the next scheduled pickup day. Easy and efficient!

See the EHS website for more information.

Asbestos Management Program

The University’s Asbestos Management Program provides information on how the University manages asbestos in a way that protects its employees, students, occupiers, maintenance contractors and others from harmful exposure to asbestos, and provides notice as to the type of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in certain buildings.

The mere presence of ACM in buildings does not constitute a hazard or unacceptable risk to health. However, these materials can present a significant degree of risk to workers and building occupants when maintenance, repair or renovation work has the potential to disturb ACM and proper asbestos-related precautions are not followed. Stringent procedures must be followed to reduce the risk to employees and to building occupants during asbestos work.

If any changes to workspaces are required, you must submit a request to the appropriate contact:

  • Guelph Campus: submit a request to the Work Order Desk.
  • Ridgetown Campus: requests should be referred to the Manager, Physical Plant.
  • Research Stations: requests should be referred to the Facility Manager.

If you see any damage to building materials, promptly report it to your supervisor or other University person of authority.

For additional information concerning asbestos containing materials in University buildings please visit Asbestos Management Program. You may also visit “Summary of Buildings with Asbestos-Containing Materials” for a list of the University’s buildings containing asbestos. You can submit any related questions to the Asbestos Coordinator at asbestos@uoguelph.ca.

Upcoming EHS Trainings:

To register and view other upcoming trainings, please visit the EHS registration system.


Email ehs@uoguelph.ca or visit the EHS website.



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