To ensure that first-year students feel a sense of belonging and to check-in on their wellbeing, the University of Guelph runs the House Calls program at the 6-week mark of the fall semester. The goal of the program is to reach out to every first-year student to demonstrate that the U of G community cares about their wellbeing and success. Research supports that this type of connection can positively impact student transition to university and academic success.[1]

Building on the success of nearly a decade of House Calls, this year the program is being expanded in collaboration with Student Experience to offer House Calls to all first-year students living off campus.

The House Calls program relies on volunteers for its success. This year volunteers can participate in-person, virtually, or both! House Calls provides a valuable opportunity for staff and faculty to build connections with students and to have greater insight into the first-year experience.

All volunteers will be provided with a list of guiding questions to ask each student and answers to common questions. Volunteers will be asked to track student conversations to ensure that students who need more connection and follow-up will be contacted by someone in Student Housing Services or Student Experience within the week.

Residence House Calls with Student Housing Services

In-person visits will focus on the East and West area residences on Oct. 7, the North area residences on Oct. 8, and South and Gordon residences on Oct. 9. Volunteers will be invited to an orientation and light dinner at 5:30 p.m. and will be partnered with Residence Life Staff as they walk through the buildings to knock on doors between 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Virtual House Calls with Student Experience

Virtual House Calls with off-campus students will take place on Microsoft Teams from Oct. 7 to Oct. 11 during business hours; House Callers will be able to call their assigned students at their convenience. All virtual House Callers will be invited to an online orientation session on Oct. 2. A recording will be sent out to anyone who is unable to attend the session virtually.

Please consider sharing your time to show first-year students that we care about their wellbeing and success here at the University of Guelph. Each year students share impactful the program is. Feedback includes comments such as “The friendliness and openness of the individual that came around really made me feel like a welcome and valued member of the U of G community ❤️”.

Sign up to volunteer

To be part of this opportunity and positively impact the experiences of our students, please consider volunteering and sign up by Monday, Sept. 30 at 11:59 p.m. via the House Calls Sign-Up Form.

Communication is going out to first-year students through residence, START U of G, and first-year courses in hopes of getting lots of interest.

If you have questions about House Calls please don’t hesitate to reach out to Patrick Kelly, Director of Residence Life, Student Housing Services at


[1] Campbell & Campbell, 1997; Kuh & Hu, 1991

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