Drone footage of U of G’s University Centre plays with white text overtop, bolded text is highlighted in blue throughout video]

The University of Guelph’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic opened on March 15.

[Footage of vaccination clinic sign and masked individuals entering the University Centre]

[Timelapse footage of clinic in action, nurses walking back and forth giving needles. White text over top]

7 Hospitality managers, 71 check in/out staff, and 378 volunteers…Gave 6850 hours of their time…

[Footage of check in area]

Administering over 81,000 vaccines

[Footage of chairs being wiped, needles being giving, thumbs up from clinic patient. White text over top]

Together we have made Guelph, one of the most vaccinated communities in North America.

[Series of photographs showing volunteers at work. White highlighted in blue text on top]

Thank you to all our staff and volunteers for keeping us safe!

[Logo UG cornerstone animated

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