An exciting, and thought-provoking new online learning resource that explores equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is now available to the U of G community. Building Community: Introduction to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, is a free eBook developed by the Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) and Open Learning and Educational Support (OpenEd). The eBook supports readers in creating a solid foundation for equity and inclusion in their communities by building an understanding of key EDI and anti-oppression concepts.

Available on the eCampus Ontario website, the eBook equips readers with the skills and knowledge to become strong advocates for social justice and systemic change. It provides tips on how to interrupt systems of oppression and build stronger, more accepting communities.

“This is an important foundational resource,” says Indira Naidoo-Harris, associate vice-president, diversity and human rights. “We know that establishing an inclusive and accepting culture in our institutions leads to academic and workplace success. This handbook gives our campus community the knowledge and skills they need to build that accepting culture and embed equity and diversity in our classrooms, boardrooms and daily lives.”

The eBook explores the topics of privilege, intersectional oppression, unconscious bias, inclusive language and allyship, while deepening readers’ understanding and knowledge of EDI. It includes links to useful resources and supports to enhance knowledge.

“When it comes to EDI work, education is an ongoing and lifelong journey,” says Angela Guerra, DHR’s training, education and policy officer and one of the resource’s authors. “We want to ensure our students, faculty and staff feel supported as they continue to promote equity, diversity and inclusion across our institution. This resource illustrates key concepts, while allowing the reader to apply lessons learned to their own lives.”

The Office of Diversity and Human Rights and the department of Open Learning and Educational Support received a $17,000 grant from eCampus Ontario in spring 2021 to create the online resource.

“Open Learning and Educational Support is committed to providing access to learning opportunities that meet the unique needs of our diverse audiences. In collaboration with DHR, this resource was developed to assist individuals in understanding their role in creating more inclusive communities,” says Michelle Fach, executive director, open learning and educational support. “The support of eCampus Ontario was critical in the development of this fantastic resource, and we’re excited to see it come to fruition.”

The eBook is part of DHR’s effort to enhance and expand EDI-related education and training across U of G.  

Over the past two years, DHR has facilitated over 155 training sessions and created four new online training modules available on CourseLink.

DHR offers virtual (via zoom or teams) and/or in person trainings on a variety of topics, including:

  • Opposing Oppression: Building Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Competencies
  • Equity Essentials: Call it out? Identifying and Responding to Microaggressions
  • Inclusive Leadership: Applying Anti-oppressive and Anti-Racism Lenses to Decision-Making
  • Inclusive Leadership: Addressing difficult conversations about EDI with resistant people
  • Opposing Oppression: Applying Equity and Inclusion Lenses to Teaching & Learning
  • Opposing Oppression: Applying Equity and Inclusion Lenses to Research
  • Equity Essentials: Intersectional Allyship
  • Human Rights Fundamentals: Anti-Discrimination and Harassment

For more information, please visit the Office of Diversity & Human Rights’ website or send an email to

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