U of G sees a broadly diverse group of students, staff, faculty and visitors on campus every day. Don O’Leary, vice-president (finance, administration and risk) and Jane Ngobia, associate vice-president (Office of Diversity and Human Rights) invite you to help identify ways to make our University’s physical spaces more welcoming and representative of our diverse community.

As you consider ideas and suggestions to contribute, think about members of the campus community who would benefit from enhanced visibility. Think critically and creatively about strategies that help those who visit, study and work at our campus to see themselves and feel included.

Consider some ways in which the campus might be made more welcoming by paying attention to:

  • Installations
  • Roads and walkways
  • Walls and hallways
  • Banners, screens and signage
  • Green spaces

If you have ideas or comments to share, please contact the Office of Diversity and Human Rights by email at dhrinfo@uoguelph.ca or in person at 15 University Ave. E. (Fielding House) by end of day on Dec. 16.

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