We’re in the home stretch of the semester, which means it’s exam season! U of G offers a wide variety of supports to help students bust stress, succeed academically and manage their well-being. Send our students good luck messages and study advice on social media using #GoodLuckGryphons!

Stress busters at the library

Take a study break Nov. 29 to Dec. 14 in the library with:

  • Crafts and activities: decorate gingerbread, make your own stress balls and take part in a colouring contest
  • Snacks: hot chocolate with the student athlete mentors, snacks from Student Experience and Coffee with a Cop
  • Therapy dog cuddles

Check out the full calendar of events for dates, times and registration details.

Club activities on GryphLife

Students helping students during finals! Check out the listings on GryphLife for stress-busting activities from student clubs and programs.

And keep an eye out across campus for the Student Experience team! They’ll be dropping by different study spots to offer snacks and words of encouragement.

Information on supports and resources from the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre

Need some assistance with school work or getting through the end of the semester? The Undergraduate Academic Information Centre has a list of resources to help students with their academic success and their personal care.

Resources for well-being

U of G has ongoing programs and services to help you cope with stress and support your mental well-being. Check out our full list of:

  • Counselling services
  • Mental health resources
  • Healthy living programs

Find resources that will help you live well and learn well!

Work out your stress!

The Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre offers lots of classes and options to get you moving, help boost your mood and send stress packing. Looking for something a little different?

FREE Glowga Yoga Class – Dec. 7 – 6 to 7 p.m.

  • Bring your own glow-in-the-dark gear and we’ll provide glow sticks, mats and an hour of stress relief.
  • Registration is required for this free class.

Remember to take care of yourself during exam season and look out for your friends, too. Bring them along with you to a stress buster and tag your photos with #UofGExamStressBusters.




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  2. COMMENTARY: Canada’s New Nutrition Labels, Explained
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